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A Closed World Review

loadgame_aclosedworldHave you ever been so frustrated, so fed up with where you are, that you just want to throw it all away and run off to somewhere new? In A Closed World you play as a young person who has decided to do exactly that. This console RPG-like game puts you in the shoes of a young resident of a village just outside a forest that everyone says is a place of no return. Supposedly home to hungering demons and a beast that would destroy the village, the forest is forbidden and nobody knows what’s on the other side. However, our hero’s beloved — tired of the oppressive attitude of the villagers — decided to go there, as anywhere would be better than home. Now it’s your turn to follow after. Are you willing to risk everything to find out what’s on the other side?

– Gambit Lab

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Dragon Age 2 Review

A Successful Tragedy

While critics and fans of the original Dragon Age: Origins voiced many negative feelings about the sequel, I feel that the some of it is unjustified (some are still pretty legit though). I’ll point out some of the overall themes, but for the most part this will be a spoiler free review.

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