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Site Updated

Finally set aside some time to really rework my site into a proper e-portfolio.  It’s been a long time coming and I’ve managed to port over a lot of content from my old site and put it into a layout that works. There are still a few personal projects that I’m working on getting uploaded […]

New Theme Again

Hey team, Figured it was about time to work on my own site for a change.  My day job (and some nights) consist of working on other people’s sites and tech so my own has gone neglected for a while.  I’ve kept myself plenty busy on projects large and small and I hope to start […]

New Site Incoming

I was in the process of switching servers when my old provider decided to drop my site like a week before it was supposed to go offline (lame).  So rather than cloning the updated site I’ve been working on there, I’ve had to start from scratch.  Thankfully, I backed up most of the content before […]


Education & Career

May 3

Bachelor of Arts UW-Stevens Point

Graduated from UW-Stevens Point with a Bachelor of Arts Major: Web and Digital Media Development Minors: Computer Information Systems, Creative Writing
May 3

Masters Graduate – MSU

Graduated with a Masters in Serious Game Design from Michigan State University
June 3

CTO and Partner –

CTO and Partner –
Chief Technology Officer and partner at